Friday, December 20, 2013

How To Use EasyHits4U - Part I

What make a good Traffic Exchange?
If you are looking for TE’s join, there are several factors that you must consider. Overlook these factors, and you may find yourself clicking tirelessly for no results.

Click to view ratio: If you surf one website, earning you 1 credit, and that 1 credit gets you 1
view to your website, this is called a 1:1 ratio. A 2:1 ratio means you have to surf 2 sites to have 1 view on your site, which is twice the work for the same result.

Surf timer: This is the number of seconds between website views as you are surfing. Each TE may have different options for surf timers and click to view ratios. 

Number of users: You want to promote your sites to a large audience, don’t you? The larger the sea, the more fish you can get. This also ties in with popularity - the number of users say something about the website.
Upgrade options: If you want free credits, you have to compare upgrade prices. You want more bang for your buck. Pricing is only one thing to consider. Many TE’s offer discount packages on purchase of 3 months, 6 months, and even up to a year.

Bonus credits: What % of credits will you earn from your downlines? We would not pick
anything less than 10%, otherwise, you will have to do a lot of clicking yourself. Also, how many free credits will you get monthly for upgrading?

Site design and ease of use: If a TE is confusing and hard to use, then wouldn’t your downlines think the same thing too? You may be a patient person, but your downlines might give up easily, leaving you stranded. Your time is valuable, so you shouldn’t have to put up with poorly designed websites.

Start to use EasyHits4U
The first thing you want to do is to get some credits in your balance. Click on “Start Surfing” on the main menu. We recommend using the second option - please see image below. While people are tempted to click on the first option because the timer is shorter, it will not give you the most credits for your time.

In the first option, the ratio is 2:1 meaning surf 2 sites for 1 credit. And you must view each site for 15 seconds. So to get 1 credit you need to spend 30 seconds. In the second option, you spend 20 seconds to get 1 credit. Do the math.

This is what the surf screen looks like. You will see a bar - it will go from red to green. Once the bar fills up, click the text that corresponds to the text in the image. To the right you see a banner. If you have credits assigned to your banner, this is one of the places where it will show up. 

Each time you surf 25 sites, you will receive a bonus. The bonuses are completely random.
Usually it is a lottery drawing for free credits or banner impressions. So don’t miss the bonuses.

What you should do is surf a few traffic exchanges at the same time using multiple tabs. There is no point in just using one traffic exchange and waiting for the timer to go down. You want to maximize your time, surfing 3 sites will get you 3 times the credits. But don’t go overboard and  open 10 sites at once, there is no way a human can do so much multi-tasking at once.